Rock Skills: attaching to anchors (in progress)
In our latest entry of our Rock Skills series, we are going to look at how we can attach ourselves to a range of anchors using the climbing rope or a sling.
There are a range of ways to attach yourself to anchors, but all anchors should be:
Less than 60°
With these three essentials, every anchor we build when rock climbing should share the load between each placement. This due to the rope/sling being equalised between the yourself and your anchors. However, we want to avoid placements being reliant on each other, independant anchors will avoid shock loads on the belay system if a placement was to fail. Even with equalised and independent systems, we should avoid angles wider than 60° as this will create a higher force on the anchors.
*Insert images of climbing sling angles*
Keeping the guidance above in mind, having a system that is easy to adjust will make your life easier when building belays.